
First quarter 2024 updates



Incremental website changes
Earthshaker kits ... Only 1 left!



Wobble Head kits are back in stock.
Earthshaker kits are now in stock

Some time ago I discovered a interface board called USBtoGUN. Its a JAMMA card that interfaces to a computer allowing HAPP light guns to communicate with PCs. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot on the innerweb about this card, so I though I would document my journeys with this hardware. The first 4 chapters are now up in the projects area, or just click here

Second quarter 2023 updates



A small amount of Wobble Head kits are back in stock.
After a downtime of over a year, The Web Cams are working again plus I added one more new camera
Previous History reports can be found here


Third quarter 2022 updates



More pictures in the About Me area,
We fixed a major bug in the 3d Printing area the prevented loading of some pictures.
In the Projects area you will find the beginnings of a journey with the product USB2GUN. This project will be released/updates as this project rolls out, so follow along .
The Gone But Not Forgotten area has more games that have come and gone through the Basement Arcade,
The Workshop blog has new pickups listed,
A visit to Laser One was documented in Dear Diary
and finally, Earthshaker and Wobble Head kits are back in stock.


Second quarter 2022 updates



  Earthshaker kits are back in stock. Added new links in the For sale page. Added more pictures in About me and a crap ton of new pick-ups and projects in the Workshop Blog


First quarter 2022 updates



 Cool things reported on the Workshop Blog, Minor bug / link repairs



The funny thing about running a website in 2022 is that if there is a lack of updates on the website, that means I'm busy with Arcade projects themselves. Of course the reverse is also true, if the website is getting a lot of updates, not a lot of game repair is being done. This update is of the latter. A small update as I'm doing a lot of things behind the scenes. The projects / blog area has some teasers in it, including new pick ups and a Happ gun modification I'm working on and the rest of the site has had some general URL updates. Nothing earth shattering, but an update nonetheless.

Forth quarter 2021 updates



Added the results and pictures to the Auction Game Sales auction held at the Kalahari Resorts & Conventions center



Third quarter 2021 updates



 Both Wobble Head and Earthshaker Kits are in back in stock in the For Sale Area



So it has literally been over four months since my last posting here and I indicated in that last posting that personal life was getting in the way of Arcade stuff. Well, the fade back to normal was slow, but we’re back with a huge update to the basementarcade.com.

First starts, the For Sale store has been completely rewritten. This was sort of a necessity as an update broke it, and it had to be redone from scratch

The workshop blog area has been updated with some new boards I picked up, so go check that out.

One of the biggest updates is that a built a Fix-it Felix machine, and documented the entire process with tons of pictures and explanations. The process of building this game generated a ton of 3-D printed parts, so the 3-D printing area has no less than 12 New designs to download, most of them being related to my Fix-it Felix build in one form or another.

Second quarter 2021 updates



So there was a brief moment, (read two weeks), we’re most of my projects both in my personal life and arcade related were caught up, so I decided to dive into some new things. No sooner did I make this decision then life decided to get in the way, and now I have a dozen half started Arcade projects, A a huge laundry list of major household projects that need to be done right away (A.k.a., you’re not gonna last another week without running water in the house)
Soooooooo, this update is strictly in the blog/workspace area as I’ve posted pictures of some of the things to come. Hopefully we will be rolling out what’s going on in some details within the next 30 days



First quarter 2021 updates



The update this month has been a slow roll out, and unfortunately will be met with no fanfare. With the exception of some new information in the blog workshop blog, this months update is a maintenance update where the site is combed through looking for bad links, and outdated sites. These are the updates I dread performing, but it keeps the site fresh.



This months update is rather small, but it took the last 15 days to develop. If you were lucky enough to purchase one of Arcade Jason's Pi Position boards, then you can now 3-D print a cooling frame for it. Check it out in the 3-D printing area



New projects discussed in the Workshop Blog. Four new designs in the 3-D printing area! New PCBs in the For Sale page. I guess I've been ready more then normal because I finished another gaming book, NES Oddities & the Homebrew Revolution. Read my review in the Library
Site maintenance includes an improved search engine with more options, search link improvements and I repaired all the broken pictures for the for sale area



A small update as we welcome 2021. In the library is the Pacman-MsPac to Pacman Plus conversion manual.
Been reading over the past holiday and finished The SNES Omnibus, now reviewed in the library and finally, something that hasn't been true for years.... Both the Earthshaker moving Institute Kit and the Doctor Who "Wobble head" are both in stock in the for sale area

2020 updates


Final 4 updates for 2020

12-15-20 - So I had some pretty big updates planned for December, but just like many other issues of 2020, life has gotten in the way when this past Monday, during a freak wind and rain storm, my vehicle was blown into a spin driving home from work on a 3 lane highway. Although there were no other cars involved in the accident, my vehicle came to rest when it impacted the cement divider of the highway, deploying the airbags. The vehicle has been declared a total loss although I was able to drive it home, and ironically enough drove it the next day to work. Needless to say, this has sent me scrambling for a new vehicle, A chore that takes time. Throw onto that the pressures of the holidays, and I can tell that there’s no more time for updates this year. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no updates, just that I am not posting as much as I originally planned. Changes that have happened are a new book review in the library of Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971-1984 (This would make a great Christmas present)
We have had a new game pickup here. I've come across some projects I've participated in over the years (book and newspaper articles and pictures ) and started listing them here, and I'm sure you noticed the holiday picture above.... good by 2020, You wont be missed

11/14/20 - This update is to announce the addition of the new projects category. Over the years we have featured some projects who’s pages have come and gone or in the case of the wobble head project for Doctor Who or the moving institute project for Earthshaker, Have only been available when these items are for sale. Now these projects and how they came to life are available all the time, in the projects category

10/29/20 - NEW DEDICATED GAME PAGE! We haven't had one of these in YEARS.... Its Dig Dug! Some new Pictures in About Me, Added a bunch more working arcade boards in the for sale area.... Get them here on the cheap before they end up on Greedbay. The Workshop Blog has new entries on ongoing projects and finally, we’ve added a dedicated Facebook account for this website. The Facebook account will mainly be used to highlight updates, and going on‘s, over here at BasementArcade.com. I would recommend you follow us on Facebook, as Facebook will let you know when this site has been updated, and give you light highlights of what you will find when you visit. Our Facebook will NEVER come close to what you will find here as Facebook is difficult to search, and the navigation experience changes between iOS versus android and is even more different to find something on your computer. Our account will be used to highlight this site and that's pretty much it (plus we've been around longer then Facebook, so there that)

10/21/20 - Added more working arcade board to the For Sale area, Some new Picture in About Me, Picked up some new games as and boards as listed in the Blog.



Added "Laughter is the Best Medicine" a spot to drop monthly funny clips. New Manuals posted. Pit Fighter and Happ Controls KJ-XX15 Series monitor. Added Skycurser Flyers to the mix. Graphic updates to the Crazy Climber page



There’s some new additions in the for sale area, including one Earthshaker kit, that someone backed out on so get it while it’s there. Also, we’ve now opened up the new 3-D printing page!



So, although my Eye is not healed, its healed enough that I can do some computer work… so here is a website update. New Lock n’ Chase manual up in the library, various additions int the About me page, and a new entry in the workshop blog



So I was pretty stoked with the re-launch of the website… The new tools that were being added, the new features, finding old pictures that were never published, and then this happened. A corneal ulcer (read A scratch to the eye from a contact that then gets infected) has taken out of my left eye for three weeks now.
It’s amazing how much longer it now takes to do absolutely everything, if you have only one eye and how fatigued you get trying to make it through the day squinting and trying to focus on common items. I always realized that staring at computer screens was hard on the eyes, but for the time being, it’s damn near impossible. Please Standby While I heal, as updates are being put on hold for now.
Just goes to show you what a dumpster fire 2020 is across the board 



Switch Setting and Board Pinouts added to the Gauntlet and Space Duel pages. Just finished reading Classic 80s Home Video Games Identification and Value Guide. In sort, recommend it! My review is in the “Library”



Fixed the search engine problems on the "About Me" and History Pages. Added more info on the "About Me" Page. Switch Setting and Board Pin outs added to the Crazy Climber page



Opened up the “About Me” area. Added a new History page for older history notes



The Basement Arcade was founded May 5th 1998 and has been an active part of the community ever since...... but that doesn’t mean that we’ve haven't grown a little tired. All the original HTML tricks, Java scripts, and flash plug-ins, That once made this area fun, have one by one ceased to work, making this site unpredictable
Announcing the Basement Arcade 2.0. Now back in HTML5 and mobile compliant with new features, stories, games, and helpful information.
With this unveiling we have re-constructed the original website preserving the general layout, and construction, while removing all the content that no longer functions and the links that no longer went anywhere. Add some fancy new video elements and a pulldown menu at the top of the screen and we’re good into the next century :-) 

2012 / 2013 updates



 We are currently Sold out of Wobble head kits



Added 2 new Web Cameras today and pointed them to an previously unseen part of the arcade and well as one in the shop. Down to the last 2 Dalek kits so get them while you can



Earthshaker moving building kits are Sold Out. Email me if you must have one. The Wobble Head kit to animate the Dalek on the Dr. Who pinball is still available but with limited stock so don't delay.


Phone: +1 ‪(973) 400-9110‬  


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